First Post

It feels like it should be a big deal to write a first post. But I’m also confident that this will be lost to the digital sands of time and is, in the most cosmic sense, irrelevant. Which, if you subscribe to the butterfly effect, is actually super fun. I’ve found some sort of loophole or blind spot where it actually can’t take place.

On the one hand I wish I didn’t draw attention to the fact that this is a first post. Pretend I hit the ground in mid stride. But alas, I need to do this, mostly because I’m completely unsure about the functioning of this site (let alone the formatting, etc.) so I need something to play with. So this is it.

From now on, this is mostly just going to be musings. Snippets of either my thoughts, or stories that I have bits of but nothing else. I’ll make the next post now doing just that. But if anyone does read this, I suppose thank you for being such a masochist that you’re willing to do a deep dive like that. If you ever see me in person and say “quack” I’ll try to find a way to buy you a rubber ducky in return.

